Friday, 16 October 2015


The types of sound used in film include:

Diegetic - within the scene
Non Diegetic - added afterwards in post production
Crescendo - build up of sound/music
Diminuendo - the gradual 'die away' of music
Sforzando -  sudden sharp sound

In the opening credits for the film Jaws, the iconic non-diegetic theme music is played whilst the camera is pointed in the sharks point of view, relating the two together. Crescendo is used during this as the music builds up, until it reaches its peak and the music dies away. In the first scene, the teens in the film are sitting around a camp fire at the beach where they have isolated themselves from any safety, the diminuendo music implies this. This is also diegetic music. For example, the guitar, talking and laughing. Later on in the scene, when you realise the girl is going to be attacked, the music begins to crescendo again, and when she is attacked, fast, high pitched music is used to mimic her fear, screams and the water.

In the restaurant scene from the film, The Godfather, diegetic music is used when Michael shoots Sollozzo and McCluskey. The sound of a train crescendos behind them and gets louder and louder when he is preparing to shoot, and when the train is at its loudest, he kills the two men.

Thursday, 8 October 2015

Main Edits

1. Cut
2. Dissolve (time passing)
3. Fade to black/white. Fade up-pace can be changed on this one (often time passing)
4. Jump cut - cuts to the same person or thing twice with either a closer or further away shot
5. Graphic match - the image of one objet fades/dissolves/cuts to another object that is similar

The shower scene in Psycho (directed by Alfred Hitchcock) uses different editing techniques. The multiple cuts and jump cuts are used to build tension. As well as this, frequent cuts were made as, in the film, they could not show nudity and create the illusion of the knife stabbing the woman. Also, it looks like the character, Marion Crane, is enjoying the shower. This is because, metaphorically, she is washing away her sins as she recently decided to return the stolen money. A graphic match is used between the plughole and her eyeball, as well as a slow pan from her body to the plug to represent her life slowly draining away. At the end of the clip, the shot pans from her eye out to the money she stole implying it was to late for her to return it.

Wednesday, 7 October 2015

Basic Camera Shots

Extreme close up:

Close up:

Medium close up:
Mid shot:
Mid long shot:
Long shot:
Extreme long shot:
Over the shoulder shot:

Friday, 2 October 2015

Mise-en-scene - Opening scene of Jaws

1. Opens with the sharks point of view as it swims
2. We hear non-diegetic low, stringed music- associated with the shark
3. Camera tracks past kids around campfire
4. Fire is the source of light
5. Girl and boy on the edge of the group - outsiders
6. Medium close of the girl. Behind her is a row of fence posts, representing the idea of her being trapped  
7. High angle shot of the beach implies vulnerability. The boy and girl leave the circle and fire and into the darkness implying they are leaving safety
8. Further they get away from the campfire, the music and sound of voices slowly fades away
9. Now no music, trapped amongst lots of fences
10. Now the scene seems quite calm and peaceful - moonlight is reflecting on the sea
11. Sunset symbolises that the day is ending and so is her life
12. Cuts from long shot to close up as it brings us closer to the action
13. Music returns whilst she is in the water

14. Angle is from the sharks point of view
15. Cuts again to a longer shot to prevent the sighting of the shark and to keep the suspense until later on in the film

16. Sound, once again, cuts completely once she died and the scene returns to a peaceful atmosphere, as if nothing had happened



The Woman in Black

What is Mise-en-scene 
Everything within the frame - setting, lighting, costume, framing and composition, colours, expressions, make up.
Creation of mise-en-scene can influence the way the audience reads the scene/its interpretation of character or situation.
Semiology - the study of signs /symbols - helps create depth to the scene
  • There is limited colour in the scene (mostly grey and dull colours), reflecting the sadness in the film.

  • Traveling on causeway which will soon be flooded, resulting in the house being isolated.
  • They pass a grave stone/marker (dramatic irony), implying  they are going to a place of death.

  • Kipps has a sad expression, he is unshaven and doesn't look after himself, contributing to the idea of him being sad
  • The house is at a low angle, making it appear bigger and more threatening.

  • The camera angle is high at the top of the staircase, this makes him look smaller and weaker and also makes it look like someone is watching him from the stairs.
  • Everything in the house is black and dark, reflecting the mood of the film

  • Kipps is framed within a doorway and you can see the woman beyond
  • She then disappears